Thursday, May 15, 2008

Straight to hell...

I walked into the doctors office with my mom for her appointment and sat down while she checked in. There was a big television with CNN showing clips of Clinton and Obama, showing their stand on gay marriage.

"Both Obama and Clinton support civil union" the newscaster said. Within seconds I was interrupted by another woman in the waiting room who loudly said to her elderly mother, "Oh my gosh. Our nations going to hell!!" I was confused and saddened. Who knows, maybe our nation is going to hell...but I'm pretty sure it won't be because of our stand on gay marriage.


wellis68 said...


Ashley said...

Nope. Its because of ladies like her.

Ashley said...

Maaaaanda, from the moment I saaaww you, staaaaanding whoah whoah whoah

INTeJer said...

other way 'round... it's because our nation is hellbent (i.e. sinful) that we take a stand for gay marriage.

wellis68 said...

Weather or not the U.S. is "hellbent" has nothing to do with gay marriage. Christians shouldn't carry such a superficial understanding of sin. Even if homosexuality is wrong on some level, it is nothing compared to the economic and social sins of this nation. But those problem of a less superficial nature will continue even at the bidding of the church if Christians do not take real problems more seriously. Christians in the US "take a stand" against gay marriage because they are bored. They want to fight for something but they can't find something that's actually worth worth fighting for.